Alderman Kaplan
Contract 01-15 (K5-001)
Resolved, that Contract 01-15 (K5-001), 2015 Sidewalk Replacement, Phase l (R1), is awarded to RAZA of Racine, LLC., at their bid price of $492,697.80, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
$272,697.80 - Org-Object 40104-57515, Assessable Sidewalk
$ 70,000.00 - Org-Object 45040-57510, DPW-Curb & Gutter
$ 80,000.00 - Org-Object 45040-57515, DPW-Sidewalks
$ 70,000.00 - Org-Object 45040-57500, DPW-Paving
$492,697.80 - Total
Fiscal Note: funds to defray the cost of this public works project be appropriated from the following Org-Objects