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File #: 0890-24    Version: A Name: Subject: Annual Update Regarding the City of Racine Peak Flow Mitigation Plan Recommendation of the Wastewater Commission on 10/17/24: To Defer this Item until the November Commission Meeting Fiscal Note: N/A
Type: Communication Status: Filed
File created: 10/4/2024 In control: Wastewater Commission
On agenda: Final action: 11/20/2024
Title: Subject: Annual Update Regarding the City of Racine Peak Flow Mitigation Plan Recommendation of the Wastewater Commission on 10/17/24: To Defer this Item until the November Commission Meeting Fiscal Note: N/A


Subject: Annual Update Regarding the City of Racine Peak Flow Mitigation Plan


Recommendation of the Wastewater Commission on 10/17/24: To Defer this Item until the November Commission Meeting


Fiscal Note: N/A