Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason submitting the proposed 2025 City of Racine Budget consisting of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Fund, Capital Project Funds, Enterprise Funds and Internal Service Funds. Associated Budget, Positions, and Fee Schedules as attached are anticipated to be included in adoption of this item.
Staff Recommendation: That the proposed 2025 City of Racine Budget consisting of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Fund, Capital Project Funds, Enterprise Funds and Internal Service Funds. Associated Budget, Positions, and Fee Schedules as attached are anticipated to be included in adoption of this item, be approved as amended
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole Passed Amendments:
1. To add $4,000 to the council budget to help clean District #2 and District #3 neighborhood next spring for tires and other items
3. To modify the City HSA contribution for all employees including library to have the residency differential by 50% more than the non-resident rate for the 2025 budget.
6. To remove the $200,000 allocation from city budget to library fund
7. To reinstate the 20-year club to active and retired employees for a banquet to its 2018 budgeted amount
10. To allocate appropriate funding for an inside audit of departmental and employee P-cards
11. That TIDS 22, 23, 27, 28, and 31 allocation for administration costs be codified at 15% of annual revenues from each individual TID, until further action on policy is adopted
12. That TIDS 22, 23,27, 28, and 31 allocation for infrastructure costs to be codified at 25% of annual revenues for each individual TID. Eligible costs to include street/alley maintenance.
14. To remove the Communications Director position from the office of the Mayor and add the Communications Director position to the Department of Customer Service
14a. To eliminate the Strategic Initiatives Manager from the Mayors Office and use those funds to pay for 1 Racine...
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