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File #: 0994-24    Version: A Name: Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting final payment for Contract 2023032 - Parking Ramp Maintenance, Structurewerks Inc., Contractor. Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Servi
Type: Communication Status: Passed
File created: 11/6/2024 In control: Public Works and Services Committee
On agenda: 11/19/2024 Final action: 11/19/2024
Title: Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting final payment for Contract 2023032 - Parking Ramp Maintenance, Structurewerks Inc., Contractor. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 11.12.24: That the work completed by Structurewerks Inc., on Contract 2023032 - Parking Ramp Maintenance, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $476,852.67. Final payment to include retainage. Fiscal Note: Contract 2023032 was authorized under Resolution No. 0163-23, dated March 7, 2023.
Attachments: 1. Final 2023032, 2. #0994-24 Resolution


Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting final payment for Contract 2023032 - Parking Ramp Maintenance, Structurewerks Inc., Contractor.


Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 11.12.24: That the work completed by Structurewerks Inc., on Contract 2023032 - Parking Ramp Maintenance, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $476,852.67. Final payment to include retainage.


Fiscal Note:  Contract 2023032 was authorized under Resolution No. 0163-23, dated March 7, 2023.