Alderman Wiser
CVS at 3915 / 3917 Durand Avenue
That the request for a conditional use permit to construct a new CVS retail pharmacy at 3915 / 3917 Durand Avenue is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That plans presented to the Plan Commission at the October 8, 2014 meeting be approved subject to the conditions contained herein.
b. That all applicable building and occupancy permits be applied for and obtained through the Building Inspection Department.
c. That the applicants shall submit a revised sign design for the pole sign to the Department of City Development, with a maximum height to be determined through discussions with staff and CVS representatives. The sign shall have a brick masonry base to match the building. All other signage shall be approved per the sign package as dated September 9, 2014.
d. That a certified survey map shall be approved and recorded prior to the issuance of building permits.
e. That a storm water management plan shall be submitted and approved by City Engineering prior to issuance of building permits.
f. That a species plan for the proposed landscaping be provided for review and approval by the Department of City Development prior to issuance of building permits.
g. That the hours of operation may be 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
h. That a pedestrian way be painted on the pavement from Lathrop Avenue to a sidewalk to be retained or replaced in front of the former Kohl's Food Store building.
i. That there be no outside displays of any type of goods offered for sale at any time.
j. That, if by time of request for occupancy, the site improvements required and described in the approved plans are not completed, a financial surety shall be provided to the City in an amount equal in value to the required improvements, subject to the following terms:
1. Financial surety documents shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Director of City Development, shall be issued in the City's favor, shall be in effect for one year from the date of issuance, shall be extended beyond the expiration date if deemed necessary by the City of Racine, and shall require that the issuer give a 90 day notice to the Department of City Development prior to the expiration of said financial surety.
2. The City is authorized to enter the site, implement the plan(s) and draw on the financial security for the cost of implementation of work if required improvements are not completed prior to occupancy, or by an earlier date as may be required. Any costs incurred in excess of the value of the financial security shall be paid by the applicant or owner or shall be imposed as a special charge against the real property in accordance with applicable statute.
3. By operating under this document, the applicant and owner give permission to the City to enter upon the property for the purposes described herein.
k. That all codes and ordinances be complied with.
l. That no minor changes be made from the conditions of this permit without the approval of the Plan Commission, and no major changes made to these conditions without the approval of the Common Council.
Fiscal Note: N/A