Subject: Communication from the Alderman of the 5th District requesting a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to review and discuss the budget process. The goal of the discussion would be to improve the level of information provided to the Common Council and to provide an opportunity earlier in the process for input from the aldermen.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 02-13-2014: tthe Item be deferred.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 02-02-2016: The Item be deferred, pending Aldermen providing suggestions to the City Administrator no later than April 29, 2016; that staff review such suggestions through May 31, 2016, and the Aldermen and staff work together to implement changes through June 30, 2016.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 08-16-2016: That the proposed 2017 City of Racine Budget be presented to the Common Council in a manner that reflects the Committee of the Whole floor discussion at its August 16, 2016 meeting.
Fiscal N...