Subject: Communication from the Public Health Administrator requesting permission to enter into a Contract Agreement and accept funding in the amount of $84,109 from the Department of Health Services for Bioterrorism Focus A Planning and Cities Readiness Initiative. (Grant Control #s: BIOT-00110 & CRI-00111) (Res No. 0363-16)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/24/16: Permission be granted for the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Contract Agreement and to accept funding in the amount of $84,109 from the Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health for two of the Local Public Health Departments Performance Consolidated Programs. This covers allocations of $59,754 for Bio Terrorism A Planning and $24,355 for Cities Readiness Initiative. The funds will be used for the continuation of programs.
Fiscal Note: There is no City match required. The grant control numbers are BIOT - #00110 & CRI - #00111.