Alderman Helding
Ordinance 06-15
An ordinance to amend Sec. 22-1066. - Driver's licenses-Required; application of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Wisconsin to prohibit issuance of a public passenger vehicle license to applicants with OWI convictions within the past five years.
The Common Council of the City of Racine, Wisconsin do ordain as follows:
Part 1: To renumber subsection "(d) Action on application" to subsection "(e)" in Chapter 22, Article XXVIII, Division 3. - Drivers, Sec. 22-1066. - Driver's licenses-Required; application of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Wisconsin.
Part 2: To amend Chapter 22, Article XXVIII, Division 3. - Drivers, Sec. 22-1066. - Driver's licenses-Required; application of the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Wisconsin by adding the new subsection (d) as follows:
"(d) No license shall be issued to any applicant who has an OWI conviction within the previous two years or two or more convictions within the previous five years."
Part 3: This ordinance shall take effect upon passage by a majority vote of the members-elect of the City Common Council and publication or posting as required by law.
Fiscal Note: N/A