Subject: Communication from the alderman of the 6th District requesting a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to discuss future of CAR25/BelleTV and revision of ordinance to allow for one Cable Commission member to be a non-City resident.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 09-13-2014: the Item be Deferred.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 09-16-2014: That the Cable Commission ordinance be amended to permit one (1) non-City resident to serve on the Commission. Further, that the Item be Deferred for the Mayor to consult with the Cable Commission pursuant to section 26-23(6) of the Code for the purpose of permitting the Commission to review and comment on the Mayor's proposed Cable Commission budget prior to adoption by the Council.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 04-15-2015: the Item be received and filed.
Fiscal Note: N/A