Alderman Wiser
Installation of Cellular Tower at 3502 Douglas Avenue
That the request by Nathan Buell of Buell Consulting to install a cellular tower at 3502 Douglas Avenue is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented to the Plan Commission on September 24, 2014, be approved subject to the conditions contained herein.
b. That all applicable building and occupancy permits be obtained from the Building Inspection Department.
c. That all codes and ordinances be complied with and required permits acquired.
d. That fencing around the lease area shall be permitted prior to actual tower installation, if necessary.
e. That all future antenna additions shall be reviewed by the Department of City Development to ensure compliance with co-location regulations.
f. That the applicant provides opaque screening for fencing area subject to the approval of the Department of City Development.
Fiscal Note: N/A