Alderman Kaplan
Halloween Express Temporary Building
Resolved, that the request to erect a temporary building at 5200 Durand Avenue for Halloween Express is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented to the Plan Commission on May 14, 2014 be approved subject to the conditions contained herein.
b. That all applicable building and occupancy permits be obtained from the Building Inspection Department.
c. That this event is approved for only the dates specified in the application.
d. That the permit be valid only from September 1, 2014 - November 1, 2014.
e. That all codes and ordinances be complied with.
f. That the hours of operation comply with what is approved.
g. That any sign plans beyond the 'Halloween Express' on the structure itself be submitted to the Department of City Development for review and approval.
h. That no minor changes be made to the conditions of this permit without the approval of the Plan Commission and no major changes be made to the conditions of this permit without the approval of the Common Council.
Fiscal Note: N/A