Alderman Wiser
An Ordinance Rezoning 1614, 1624 and 1630 Yout Street (commonly referred to as 1624 Yout Street).
To amend the map of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Racine.
The Common Council of the City of Racine do ordain as follows:
Part 1: That the properties located at 1614, 1624 and 1630 Yout Street, and more particularly described as being in that part of Southeast ¼ of Section 5, Township 3 North, Range 23 East, and all being North of the North Right-Of-Way line of Yout Street and East of East Right-Of-Way line of Blake Avenue, more particularly described as follows:
1614 Yout Street being the Eastern150 feet of the Western 264 feet, of the Northern 178 feet, of the Southern 341.5 feet, excluding the Western 3.5 feet and the Western 32 feet of the Northern 46 feet,
1624 Yout Street being the Eastern 132.6 feet of the Western 302.6 feet of the Southern 163.5 feet, and
1630 Yout Street being the Eastern 50 feet of the Western 170 feet of the Southern 163.5 feet,
be rezoned from I-1 Restrictive Industrial District to I-2 with a FD Flex Development Overlay District, and
Part 2: This ordinance shall take effect upon passage by a majority vote of the members-elect of the City Common Council and publication or posting as required by law.
Passed by the Common Council:
Fiscal Note: N/A