Subject: Communication from the Alderman of the 8th District, requesting to add a right-turn only lane to the northwest lane of Memorial Drive and West Sixth Street.
Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on 02-20-17: Defer
Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on 03-20-17: Defer
Recommendation of the Traffic Commission on 08-21-17: Receive and file.
Recommendation of the Common Council on 09-05-17: Recommends that the request to install a mandatory right turn lane on North Memorial Drive, southbound, to West Sixth Street, westbound, be granted.
Further recommends that Section 94-94, Mandatory right turns, be amended to include: The operator of a vehicle proceeding southerly on North Memorial Drive and approaching West Sixth Street in the lane furthest to the right shall turn right onto West Sixth Street and shall not proceed in any other direction.
Fiscal Note: There is an estimated cost of $1,000 to sign and mark pavement to implement this change.