Subject: Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting Amendment No. 4 to State Project ID: 2290-17-00, Northwestern Avenue (STH 38) - Memorial Drive to Golf Avenue, Strand Associates, Inc., consultant.(Res. No. 14-0353)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-12-14: That Amendment No. 4 to State Project ID: 2290-17-00, Northwestern Avenue (STH 38) - Memorial Drive to Golf Avenue, Strand Associates, Inc., consultant, as submitted, be approved in the amount of $46,785.96, with the City's share being $11,696.49.
Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the City's share be appropriated from Account 993.908.5060, Northwestern - Memorial to Golf.
Fiscal Notes: Funds are available as herein delineated.