Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Weidner and Alder Kelly, requesting an update from the City Administrator on the status of the police contract.
Recommendation of Alder Weidner and Alder Kelly: To refer the communication to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee.
Recommendation of the Common Council on 02-19-2025: That the item be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee and Public Safety and Licensing Committee.
Staff Recommendation: To refer the communication to the Finance and Personnel Committee in accordance with ordinance section 74-38 "[c]ollective bargaining with certified bargaining until shall be carried on under the direction of the Finance and Personnel Committee."
Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 02-24-2025: To Receive and File.
Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 02-26-2024: To Receive and File.
Fiscal Note: N/A