Subject: Communication from the Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services requesting permission to apply & accept $25,000.00 in grant funds from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to assist with ash management/treatments as well as to contract with an arboricultural trainer to provide advanced chainsaw and aerial truck tree removal & rigging training to the City Forestry crew. Grant Control #2014-034 (Res No. 14-0368)
Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 8-25-14: Defer the item until the September 8, 2014 Finance & Personnel meeting.
Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 9-8-14: Permission be granted to the Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services to apply & accept $25,000.00 in grant funds from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to assist with ash management/treatments as well as to contract with an arboricultural trainer to provide advanced chainsaw and aerial truck tree removal & rigging training to the City Forestry crew. Grant Control #2014-034
Fiscal Note: This grant will require a $25,000.00 match. Funding for the City match will be available through the 2015 CIP, Emerald Ash Borer Tree Treatment. Grant Control #2014-034.