Subject: Communication from the Chief Building Inspector wishing to add a new Courtesy Inspection Program in Ch. 18 of the City of Racine's Building Code. (Ord. 06-17)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 03-28-17: That the City Attorney’s office draft/approve the ordinance to amend Ch. 18 of the City of Racine’s Building Code to add a new Courtesy Inspection Program subject to changing the fee from $150 to $100.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-11-17: Defer
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-25-17: That the City Attorney’s office draft the ordinance to amend Ch. 18 of the City of Racine’s Building Code to add a new Courtesy Inspection Program with a fee of $150 and direct the Chief Building Inspector to provide a Courtesy Inspection Program review one year after the program is initiated.
Fiscal Note: N/A