Alderman Wiser
Addition to 3014 Northwestern Avenue
Resolved, that the request by Darryl Sturino of Sturino Funeral Home, 3014 Northwestern Avenue, seeking an amendment to their conditional use permit to construct an addition totaling 1,200 square feet +/- onto the main building, and a canopy with associated drive area modifications is approved, subjct to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented to the City Plan Commission on April 26, 2017 be approved subject to the conditions stated herein.
b. That all applicable ordinances be complied with and permits acquired, unless otherwise accepted herein.
c. That the following exceptions are granted:
1. To Section 114-410 Restricted Office District, Front Yard: a setback of 15.5 feet, rather that the required 25 feet.
2. To Section 114-735.5 (b)(1) Building Design Standards: aluminized steel siding within eight feet of grade.
d. That the hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., visitations until 9:00 p.m., and other hours by appointment.
e. That the following site improvements shall be completed prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, and in compliance with the approved plans:
1. Paving and striping of all parking and drives areas.
2. Completion of all landscaping and site lighting improvements.
3. Submittal of cut sheets and photometric plans for under canopy lighting.
f. If any improvements listed in condition “f” cannot be completed prior to the occupancy, than the applicant or owner shall provide the City with a letter of credit, bond, or other acceptable financial security, equal in value to the required improvements, subject to the following:
1. The financial security documents shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Director of City Development, shall be issued in the City’s favor, shall be in effect for one year from the date of issuance, shall be extended beyond the expiration date if deemed necessary by the City of Racine, an...
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