Subject: Bid results on Contract 20160030, Samuel Myers Park Restorations - Phase lll. (Res No. 0251-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 06-28-16: That Contract 20160030, Samuel Myers Park Restorations - Phase lll be awarded to A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., at their bid price of $45,462.00, plus Alt. 1 in the amount of $16,700.00, plus Alt. 2 in the amount of $6,800.00, for a total bid of $68,962.00, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this Health Department project be appropriated from the following Org-Objects:
$45,649.50 - Org-Object 20201-52200-20011, FFLM 2015
$23,312.50 - Org-Object 20104-57110, WCMP 2014
$68,962.00 - Total
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated.