Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the City Engineer amending Chapter 94, Article III - Stopping, Standing and Parking, Division 3-Loading Areas, specifically Section 94-164-Zones Established; record; erection of signs:
ELIMINATE the following:
• Barker Street, north side, from North Main to North Wisconsin Ave
• North Wisconsin Avenue, east side, from Barker St. to Kewaunee St.
• Byrd Avenue, north side, from 220 feet east of Roosevelt Ave to 20 feet east of Roosevelt Ave
• Byrd Avenue, north side, from Roosevelt Ave. to Sycamore Ave.
• Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Drive, west side, from West St. to State St.
Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 04.25.23: To approve the amendment to the Municipal Code.
Fiscal Note: None