Alderman Kaplan
Contract 26-15 (K5-026), PS - Park Service Center, Traffic Department & Equipment Garage HVAC Replacements
Resolved, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to enter into a professional services agreement with Angus Young, on Contract 26-15 (K5-026), PS - Park Service Center, Traffic Department & Equipment Garage HVAC Replacements, in the not-to-exceed amount of $13,600.00.
Fiscal Note: Funds to defray the cost of these professional services be appropriated from the following Org-Objects:
$ 5,600.00 - Org-Object 45050-57200, Parks Service Center Rooftop Unit
$ 3,500.00 - Org-Object 45040-57200, Equipment Garage Rooftop Unit
$ 4,500.00 - Org-Object 45040-57201, Traffic Rooftop Unit
$13,600.00 - Total