Subject: Communication from the Mayor proposing an ordinance change effecting the consolidation of the Traffic Commission and the Transit and Parking Commission. (Ord. 0005-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 4/23/2018: To approve an ordinance change effecting the consolidation of the Traffic Commission and the Transit and Parking Commission. The City Attorney will draft a revised ordinance and present it to the Finance and Personnel Committee for review.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-08-18: Defer
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 05-29-18: Approve the consolidation of the Traffic Commission and the Transit and Parking Commission.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 06-12-18: Approve the elimination of the Traffic Commission and the Transit and Parking Commission.
Further recommends that the City Engineer evaluate all traffic related requests and require the Public Works and Services Committee to approve any Municipal Code Revisions and provide an appeals process related to traffic concerns.
Further recommends parking system related items be directed to the Public Works and Services Committee for consideration.
Further recommends a Transit Commission be created to address all of the transit related items.
Fiscal Note: N/A