Subject: Communication endorsed by Alder Tate II, on behalf of the Public Works and Services Committee, submitting the final resolution for the following:
Portland Cement Concrete Paving
Library Drive - Cul-De-Sac to Sixth Street
Alley - High Street to St Patrick Street; Summit Avenue to Carlisle Avenue
Alley - Lathrop Avenue to Monroe Avenue; Washington Avenue to Thirteenth Street
Alley - (East N/S) Romayne Avenue to Layard Avenue; Geneva Street to LaSalle Street
Alley - (E/W) Romayne Avenue to Layard Avenue; Geneva Street to LaSalle Street
Alley - (West N/S) Romayne Avenue to Layard Avenue; Geneva Street to LaSalle Street
Howland Avenue - Roe Avenue to W. Sixth Street
Lake Avenue - Twelfth Street to Eleventh Street
Bituminous Concrete Paving
Library Drive - Cul-De-Sac to Sixth Street
Howland Avenue - Roe Avenue to W. Sixth Street
Lake Avenue - Twelfth Street to Eleventh Street
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 06-11-19: To refer the final resolution back to the Public Works and Services Committee for final review.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-09-19: That Resolution 0725-19, created June 18, 2019, be amended to delete:
Portland Cement Concrete Paving
Alley - Lathrop Avenue to Monroe Avenue; Washington Avenue to Thirteenth Street
Alley - (East N/S) Romayne Avenue to Layard Avenue; Geneva Street to LaSalle Street
Alley - (E/W) Romayne Avenue to Layard Avenue; Geneva Street to LaSalle Street
Alley - (West N/S) Romayne Avenue to Layard Avenue; Geneva Street to LaSalle Street
Howland Avenue - Roe Avenue to W. Sixth Street
Bituminous Concrete Paving
Library Drive - Cul-De-Sac to Sixth Street
Howland Avenue - Roe Avenue to W. Sixth Street
Lake Avenue - Twelfth Street to Eleventh Street
And, as amended, Resolution 0725-19, created June 18, 2019, be adopted.
Fiscal Note: N/A