Alderman Wiser
Use Supplement for Property at 1624 Yout Street
Resolved, that a use supplement be adopted for the property at 1624 Yout Street, subject to the following conditions:
a. That all uses listed in the underlying I-1 Restricted Industrial District are permissible by right or by conditional use permit, except as otherwise specified in “b.” below.
b. Prohibited uses shall include:
1. Advertising signs.
2. Air, motor, water and rail road freight terminals.
3. Airports and commercial heliports (public or private) including aircraft landing fields, runways, flight strips, flying schools, hangars, terminal buildings and other auxiliary facilities.
4. Brewery as defined by Wis. Stat. Sec. 125.29.
5. Cartage and express facilities.
6. Distribution facilities.
7. Dry cleaning establishments.
8. Garages for the storage repair and servicing of motor vehicles.
9. Laundries.
10. Metal stamping.
11. Parking lots not accessory to a primary use.
12. Recycling drop-off sites.
13. Sewage treatment plants.
14. Signs in excess of 35 feet in height.
c. That all applicable permits shall be obtained from the Building Inspection department.
d. That the following flex uses are permitted by conditional use permit via Ordinance ZOrd. 0005-16 in addition to those permitted in the I-1 Restricted Industrial District and amended herein:
1. Transitional living facilities with detached rooming units.
e. That all aspects of the flex uses, and other uses, shall be contained on site and inside enclosed buildings, with no outside storage.
f. That the Chief Building Inspector or Director of City Development may impose additional conditions on a single or group of flex uses to mitigate potential negative impacts on the subject or surrounding properties. Decisions in this regard may be appealed by the affected operator(s) to the Plan Commission, who will forward a recommendation to the Common Council.
g. That, upon consultation between the Chief Building Inspector and...
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