Alderman Shakoor
Visioning a Greater Racine
WHEREAS, Visioning a Greater Racine is a grassroots movement driven by a community based-vision that wishes create a flourishing place residents are all proud to call home by 2030;
WHEREAS, Visioning a Greater Racine has connected with more than 1,400 Racinians by providing an outlet to express their hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the region;
WHEREAS, Visioning a Greater Racine has organized eleven Work, Action, Vision, Engagement (WAVE) Teams which work to implement the vision brought about by the Greater Racine community through collaboration, coordination & guided vision-based work;
WHEREAS, Visioning a Greater Racine will work to address Education & Youth, Culture and Recreation, Healthy Productive Lives, Revitalization, Thriving Economy, Model of Environmental Sustainability, Social Justice, Diverse and Collaborative Leadership, Transportation, Pride and Positive Self-Image, and a Vibrant Atmosphere for Young Adults;
WHEREAS, Visioning a Greater Racine has more than 400 volunteers participating in the implementation process;
WHEREAS, Visioning a Greater Racine and the City of Racine share similar goals in creating a community that provides opportunity for all;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Alders, and City of Racine Staff are encouraged to serve on a WAVE Team municipal operations and efforts may be aligned with the grassroots goals of the community;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Racine shall be a community partner of Visioning a Greater Racine in its mission to develop a flourishing place residents are all proud to call home.
Fiscal Note: N/A