Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the City Attorney requesting authorization to pay $78,585.66 from account 101.990.5910, Judgment and Claims, to settle Racine County Circuit Court Case No. 11-CV-1631 Eileen Legue, et al. v. City of Racine, et al. (Res No. 14-0372)
Recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee on 9-8-14: To authorize the City Attorney to pay the judgment in the amount of $78,585.66 from account 101.990.5910, Judgment and Claims, for Racine County Circuit Court Case No. 11-CV-1631 Eileen Legue, et al. v. City of Racine, et al.
Fiscal Note: $78,585.66 payable from 101.990.5910 Judgment & Claims.