Alderman Wiser
Child Care Facility at 2522 Douglas Avenue
Resolved, that the request by Serena Barnes to operate a child care facility at 2522 Douglas Avenue is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented to the Plan Commission on November 26, 2014, be approved subject to the conditions contained herein.
b. That all codes and ordinances be complied with and that all required permits be obtained.
c. That all required State licenses be obtained and inspections be performed, passed, and kept up to State standards at all times.
d. That the kitchen shall pass all required health department inspections and be up to code prior to preparation of food.
e. That there be adequate state certified staff, as dictated by State licensing requirements, present at all times children are on the premises.
f. That the applicant shall provide details on the security system to be installed to the Department of City Development. The system shall be installed within 6 months of opening.
g. That the applicant shall specifically locate the dumpster in the area behind the chain link fencing on the site plan, and provide a cut-sheet identifying screening methods for all chain link areas to the Department of City Development prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
h. That the hours of operation shall be from 5:30 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. (midnight), Monday through Friday.
i. That signage is not approved with this review. Proposed signage shall be reviewed by the Department of City Development prior to issuance of a sign permit.
j. That the loading and unloading of children shall take place in the area directly in front of the tenant space and shall not block any driveways or other parking spaces within the site.
k. That no minor changes be made from the conditions of this permit without the approval of the Plan Commission, and no major changes be made from the conditions of this permit without the approval of the Common Council.
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