Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting bid results for Contract 2023175 Transit Center Rehabilitation Phase II.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07.11.23: That Contract 2023175 Transit Center Rehabilitation Phase II, be awarded to Berglund Construction Company, in the amount of 309,750.00, and Alternatives 1 through 6 at 164,093.00, which bring the total cost of the project to $473,843.00, they being the lowest responsible, responsive bidder.
Fiscal Note: Funding is available in the following Org-Objects:
$33,843.00 60000030.Brks&Mrtr.RYDE 20052 57200
$250,000.00 60000032.Brks&Mrtr.RYDE 20053 57200
$190,000.00 60000036.Brks&Mrtr.RYDE 20054 57200
$473,843.00 Total