Subject: Request for Commissioners to Complete Online DNR trainings prior to April 30, 2025
Staff Recommendation: Refer to training modules listed below located via the following link:
Training Modules:
Training Module 1: Utility Management (Managerial Capacity | Course 1) - Part A (available online until 12/31/26)
Training Module 2: Utility Management (Managerial Capacity | Course 1) - Part B (available online until 12/31/26)
Training Module 3: Asset Management (Technical Capacity | Course 2) (available online until 12/31/26)
Training Module 4: Financial Management (Financial Capacity | Course 3) (available online until 12/31/26)
(If the above link does not work when clicking directly on it, you may need to copy and paste into a new web browser window)
Fiscal Note: N/A