Alderman Wiser
Remodel Olive Garden
That the request by Frank Carrera, representing the Olive Garden, for an amendment to the Regency Mall planned unit development to remodel the interior and exterior of the Olive Garden restaurant at 6000 Durand Avenue is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the plans presented to the Plan Commission at the September 24, 2014 meeting be approved subject to conditions.
b. That all applicable building permits and occupancy permits be applied for and obtained through the Building Inspection Department.
c. That all signage shall be approved by the Department of City Development to ensure compliance with the Regency Mall design guidelines prior to issuance of sign permits.
d. That the parking lot be re-sealed and striped as advised by the applicant.
e. That all codes and ordinances be complied with.
f. That no minor changes be made from the conditions of this permit without the approval of the Plan Commission, and no major changes be made to these conditions without the approval of the Common Council.
Fiscal Note: N/A