Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones on behalf of the City Engineer amending Chapter 94, Article III - Division 2 - Parking Regulations, Section 94-141- No Parking Zones, Schedule F:
ADD the following items from section (1) No Parking Any Time:
• Chicago Street, both sides, from Spring Street to 100 feet South.
• Meacham Road, west side, from Maryland Avenue to 95 feet North.
• Eaton Lane, both sides, from 25 south of cul-de-sac to the north.
EDIT the following item from section (1) No Parking any time:
• From: Knoll Place, west side, from Maryland Avenue to Rosalind Ave.
• To: Knoll Place, both sides, from Maryland Avenue to Rosalind Ave.
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 11.26.24: To approve the amendments.
Fiscal Note: N/A