Alderman Kaplan
Replacement of Existing SECVT Interface to Metasys Systems at the MLK Center, Chavez Center, Mound Cemetery, and Memorial Hall
Resolved, that the request of the Purchasing Agent to waive formal bidding procedures be approved in accordance with State Statutes that allow for the waiving of public bids for the purpose of maintaining uniformity of equipment and services.
Further resolved, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Johnson Controls for the replacement of existing SECVT interfaces to the Metasys systems at the MLK Center, Chavez Center, Mound Cemetery and Memorial Hall.
Fiscal Note: Funding to defray the cost of these services is available in the following accounts:
$ 5,610.00 - Org-Object 60623-57200, MH VFD Replacement
$14,760.00 - Org-Object 70240-57300, Building Improvements
$20,370.00 - Total