Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting Change Order No. 1 on Contract 10-14 (K4-010), 2014 Sidewalk Replacement Program, Phase l (R1), AZAR, LLC., contractor. (Res. No. 15-0092)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 02-24-15: That Change Order No. 1 on Contract 10-14 (K4-010), 2014 Sidewalk Replacement Program, Phase l (R1), AZAR, LLC., contractor, as submitted, be approved in the amount of $58,563.58.
Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from the following accounts:
$10,286.52 - Org-Object 22450-57110, Cemetery Roads and Walks
$48,277.06 - Org-Object 40104-57515, Assessable Project Sidewalks
$58,563.58 - Total
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated.