Alderman Kaplan
Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Racine Relative to the Enhancement of Access to the Racine Central Business District and Environs
WHEREAS, the central business district of the City of Racine and its environs, lying on the shoreline of Lake Michigan, contains within its area key centers of activity important to residents not only of the City of Racine, but the entirety of Racine County, including the downtown shopping district, the Racine County Courthouse and Racine City Hall, the Racine Small Boat Harbor, and cultural facilities such as the Racine Art Museum and Zoo; and
WHEREAS, the City of Racine is engaged in land use redevelopment efforts in the central City area, including the Root River Waterfront; and WHEREAS, downtown Racine lies approximately nine miles east of IH-94; and
WHEREAS, safe, efficient, and rapid, ready highway access to the central Racine area is critical to the ultimate success of that area; and
WHEREAS, at the present time rapid, ready access to the central Racine area is impeded by a lack of traffic carrying capacity as well as excessive marginal land access to key arterial street and highway facilities that lead to that area; and
WHEREAS, it would be desirable to set in motion a cooperative transportation planning process to address ways in which these impediments to rapid, ready access to the downtown Racine area can be addressed.
FIRST: That the City Commissioner of Public Works work cooperatively with the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and that Commission's Advisory Committee on Regional Transportation System Planning and Advisory Committee on Racine County Jurisdictional Highway System Planning, in an effort to identify ways in which more rapid, ready access to the central Racine area can be provided, all with a view toward the promulgation of system planning level recommendations in a forthcoming new regional transporta...
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