Subject: Communication from the Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services requesting permission to apply for the Stewardship LWCF and Recreational Trails Grant in the amount of $19,085.00 from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for the Graceland road & walkway. (Grant Control #2014-016) (Res. No. 14-0205)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 5-12-14: Permission be granted to the Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services requesting permission to apply for the Stewardship LWCF and Recreational Trails Grant in the amount of $19,085.00 from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for the Graceland road & walkway. Grant Control #2014-016.
Fiscal Note: City match of $19,085.00 is required. Funds are available in account 207.994.5010 - Road & Walkway Repairs.