Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Purchasing Agent submitting bids on Official Notice No. 8-2016, one (1) 35,000 GVW 5 cubic yard diesel dump truck with snowplow and wingplow. (Res No. 0137-16)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 04-12-16: That Official Notice No. 8-2016, one (1) 35,000 GVW 5 cubic yard diesel dump truck with snowplow and wingplow, be awarded to Lakeside International Trucks with Monroe Truck’s Equipment at their bid price of $153,520.00 less the $20,000.00 offered for the trade vehicles. Lakeside’s net bid accepting their offer for our trade vehicles is $133,520.00.
Fiscal Note: Funds for this purchase are available in Org-Object 45140-57310, Licensed Vehicles.