Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Alderman of the 6th District requesting referral to the PRCS Commission of a revision to amend Sec. 102.76 of the Municipal Code to include language granting authority to the City Forester to issue orders on private property within the city that constitute a hazard to life and property. (Res No. 14-0387)
Recommendation from the Board of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services on 7-9-14: To Defer the communication from District 6 Alderman Sandy Weidner to revise and amend Sec. 102.76 of the Municipal Code to include language granting authority to the City Forester to issue orders on private property within the city that constitute a hazard to life and property.
Recommendation from the Board of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services on 8-13-14: To Defer.
Recommendation from the Board of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services on 9-10-14: To have language drafted by the City Attorney's office to revise and amend Sec. 102.76 of the Municipal Code. Further recommend the drafted amended ordinance then be provided to the PRCS Board for review.
Recommendation from the Board of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services on 10-8-14: To receive and file.
Fiscal: N/A