Alderman Wiser
Ordinance 08-17
Ordinance adopting an amendment to a document titled “A Comprehensive Plan for the City of Racine: 2035” (The Plan) to incorporate the document titled “RootWorks Area -Wide Plan and Implementation Strategy” (Area-Wide Plan), a refinement to the document “RootWorks-Revitalizing Racine’s Urban River Corridor: Root River Corridor Redevelopment Plan” (Adopted ZOrd.001-12). The Common Council of the City of Racine do ordain as follows:
Part 1: Pursuant to Section 62.23 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the City of Racine is authorized to prepare and adopt certain amendments to The Plan as defined in Sections 66.1001(1)(a) and 66.1001(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes; and
Part 2: Following a 30 day notice period on May 10, 2017 the Plan Commission of the City of Racine received a review of the Area Wide Plan in order to educate Plan Commission members and the public on recommendations contained therein and needed amendment to The Plan; and
Part 3: On May 10, 2017 the Plan Commission forwarded a recommendation to the Common Council that the process to amend The Plan move forward based on the findings as enumerate in the staff report to the Plan Commissioners for the meeting on May 10, 2017 and recommendation in the commission report to the Common Council for the May 16, 2017 meeting, and in said report that the associated requests to amendment The Plan to incorporate the Area Wide Plan proceed; and
Part 4: On May 16, 2017 the Common Council referred all matters related to an amendment to The Plan associated with the Area Wide Plan back to the Plan Commission, and directed that ordnances be prepared and public hearings scheduled for an amendment to The Plan; and
Part 5: Ordinance _______ -17 was herein prepared for amendment to The Plan and transmitted to the Common Council, and a public hearing before the Common Council was scheduled for June 20, 2017; and
Part 6: The Plan Commission of the City of Racine, on _________, 2017 by...
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