Subject: Communication from the Director of City Development requesting approval of a revision to the 2014 Annual Housing and Community Development Action Plan. (Res. No. 14-0123)
Recommendation of the Community Development Committee on 3-3-14: That the text titled "Revision to 2014 Action Plan - March 2014" be approved and added to the 2014 Annual Housing and Community Development Action Plan; and
Further, that Resolution 13-0498, dated December 17, 2013 be rescinded; and
Further, that the recommended allocation of the 2014 Community Development Block Grant and Emergency Solutions Grant is approved and, if the total grant received is less than the funds allocated to activities, then each activity's budget be reduced to the same proportion as the percentage difference between the estimated total grant and the actual total grant, and if the total grant received is more than the funds allocated to activities, then the budget of any activity that received an allocation less than the amount requested by the applicant, due to the estimated lack of funds, be increased in the same proportion as the percentage difference between the estimated total grant and the actual total grant, up to the amount of the applicant's original request; and
Further, that the appropriate city officials are authorized and directed to execute and submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development the documents required to secure the grants and to execute third-party contracts with the agencies approved for the use of the funds.
Fiscal Note: The actual amount of community development funding that the city will received is still unknown. The revision provides a method for adjusting the allocation of CDBG and ESG funds to specific projects and programs in case the grant amounts vary from the amounts currently anticipated.