Subject: Communication from the Commissioner of Public Works submitting a proposal to establish a special revenue fund for Pedestrian Facilities Maintenance. (Res No. 15-0381)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 06-30-15: Recommend this item be referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 08-18-2015: the Item be Deferred.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 09-01-2015: the Item be Deferred.
Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on 09-23-2015: That a comprehensive Pedestrian Facilities Management Program be established, to include the maintenance of sidewalks in the right-of-way, sidewalks in city parks and on levy supported City properties, curb ramps, and the City’s Pathway System, funded through an annual fee charged to all non-municipal property owners, per authority granted by §66.0907(6) and §66.028(2) of Wisconsin State Statutes. This program shall replace the current system of maintaining or replacing sidewalks in the right-of-way via Repair Orders issued to abutting property owners, and General Obligation Bond funding of the maintenance or replacement of sidewalks on and abutting municipally-owned property, curb ramps and the Pathway System. Program provisions include:
The program shall be funded through a $27.00 annual Pedestrian Facilities Maintenance Fee charged to all property owners, with the exception of levy supported municipally-owned properties. The fee shall be based on the direct and indirect use of, or benefit derived from, the City’s pedestrian facilities. The Parking System, Library, Redevelopment Authority, Neighborhood Stabilization Program, and Water and Waste Water Utilities shall pay the annual fee for the properties under their control.
All funds collected from the Pedestrian Facilities Maintenance Fee shall be deposited in a dedicated account, and the funds collected in a given year, and funds carried over from prior years, if any, shall...
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