Subject: (Direct Referral) Consideration of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Business Revolving Loan Fund Request from Petals by Felicia. (Res No. 0060-16)
Recommendation of the Redevelopment Authority on 2-11-16: Whereas the Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) has reviewed the request of Petals by Felicia for a loan of $25,000.00 for working capital, inventory, and minor leasehold improvements. The Redevelopment Authority recommends that the request for a CDBG Small Business Revolving Loan Fund for $25,000.00 be approved and that the Mayor, City Clerk, and Director of City Development be authorized to execute a written agreement with Petals by Felicia consistent with federal regulations for CDBG funds with loan assistance not to exceed $25,000.00 for the purpose of expanding the business and creating at least one job.
Fiscal Note: The Community Development Committee and Common Council allocated CDBG funds for the pruposes of assisting businesses ...