Alderman Wiser
Certified Survey Map for 1520 Clark Street
Resolved, that the certified survey map for the consolidation of properties at 1520 Clark Street is approved subject to the following conditions:
a. That the certified survey map as prepared by Donald J. Puza, registered Wisconsin Land Surveyor, dated June 13, 2016 and presented to the Plan Commission on June 29, 2016 be approved subject to the conditions contained herein.
b. That all back taxes be paid prior to Common Council approval.
c. That the map comply with all applicable Wisconsin State Statutory requirements (Ch. 236.34) and Racine Municipal Code requirements (Ch. 86) in its final preparation.
d. That all technical modifications as identified by Staff shall be rectified on the documents prior to recording.
e. That within thirty (30) days of recording, a certified recorded copy of the CSM shall be provided to the Department of City Development.
Fiscal Note: N/A