Alderman Kaplan
Contract 03-15 (K5-003)
Resolved, that Contract 03-15 (K5-003), 2015 Concrete Street Reconstruction (R1), is awarded to Cornerstone Pavers, LLC., at their
bid price of $1,814,436.91, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
$1,199,581.81 - Org-Object 45040-57500, DPW-Paving
$ 256,655.00 - Org-Object 60484-57570, Storm Sewers
$ 234,825.00 - Org-Object 22640-57560, Sanitary Sewers
$ 2,982.20 - Org-Object 45040-57530, DPW-Traffic Control
$ 27,516.90 - Org-Object 45040-57520, DPW-Street Lighting
$ 92,876.00 - Org-Object 40102-57560, Water/Wastewater-Sanitary Sewers
$1,814,436.91 - Total
Fiscal Note: funds to defray the cost of this public works project be appropriated from the following Org-Objects: