Alderman Wiser
Regency Mall 5700 & 5900 Durand Avenue
Resolved, that the request by Racine Joint Venture II, LLC, and Dave Scherry of Herschman Architects for a major amendment to the Regency Mall conditional use to install 2 pylon signs at 25-feet in height where the maximum allowed height is 15-feet is approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the plans submitted to the Plan Commission at the September 9, 2015 meeting is approved, subject to conditions contained herein.
b. That all required permits shall be obtained and necessary inspections performed prior to the installation of the signs.
c. That no portion of the sign shall encroach into any visibility triangles.
d. That no electronic message signage of any type shall be permitted on these signs or within the mall site.
e. That the signs shall not conflict with any traffic signals.
f. That a landscape plan for the medians where the signs are to be located shall be submitted to the Department of City Development for review and approval prior to issuance of any sign permits.
g. That the two existing ‘Regency Mall’ monument signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days of installation of the new signs.
h. That no minor changes be made from the conditions of this permit without the approval of the Plan Commission and no major changes be made from the conditions of this permit without the approval of the Common Council.
Fiscal Note: N/A