| A | | Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting bid results for Contract 2024028 - Recycling Services.
Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 01.30.24: That Contract | Communication | Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting bid results for Contract 2024028 - Recycling Services.
Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 01.30.24: That Contract 2024028 - Recycling Services be awarded to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder.
Fiscal Note: Funding is available in Org-Obj TBD | | |
Not available
Not available
| A | | | Communication | Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Perez proposing to have the city responsible for the sidewalk replacement that becomes needed when a tree in the parkway uproots the sidewalk square. | | |
Not available
Not available
| A | | Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting Change Order No.1 to Contract 2023176 - State Street Lift Bridge Painting & Structural Repairs, Zenith Tech, Contractors.
Staff Recommendation to t | Communication | Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Jones, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, submitting Change Order No.1 to Contract 2023176 - State Street Lift Bridge Painting & Structural Repairs, Zenith Tech, Contractors.
Staff Recommendation to the Public Works and Services Committee on 04.09.24: That Change Order No.1 to Contract 2023176 - State Street Lift Bridge Painting & Structural Repairs, Zenith Tech, Contractors, be approved in the amount of $111,408.00.
Fiscal Note: Funding for this change order is available in Org-Object 40402 57545 - Bridges-State | | |
Not available
Not available
| A | | Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe and Alder McCarthy requesting to present a Policy for Wrapping Utility Boxes. | Communication | Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe and Alder McCarthy requesting to present a Policy for Wrapping Utility Boxes.
Staff Recommendation: To be determined
Fiscal Note: Application requires $200 deposit. There will be no cost to the City to install electric box wraps and all maintenance and removal costs are the responsibility of the applicant. | | |
Not available
Not available