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Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/20/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 205
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0963-19 A Subject: August Hip-Hop MonthCommunicationSubject: August Hip-Hop Month   Action details Not available
0892-19 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Shakoor, II requesting to increase the 2019 Capital Improvement General Obligation Bond Issue by $350,000 to fund razing the remaining buildings on the Racine Steel Castings site. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-12-2019: To increase the 2019 Capital Improvement General Obligation Bond Issue by $350,000. Fiscal Note: The borrowing amount to be increased by $350,000.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0896-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Shakoor II submitting the claims of Allison Olsen, Paige Olsen, Jordan Olsen and Brendan Olsen for consideration or disallowance.ClaimSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Shakoor, II, on behalf of the City Attorney's Office submitting the claims of Allison Olsen, Paige Olsen, Jordan Olsen and Brendan Olsen for consideration of disallowance. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-12-2019: The claims of Allison Olsen, Paige Olsen, Jordan Olsen and Brendan Olsen be disallowed. Fiscal Note: N/AReferredPass Action details Video Video
0904-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Shakoor, II on behalf of Chief Howell requesting approval of the 2019 Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant, as well as renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Racine CountCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Shakoor, II on behalf of Chief Howell requesting approval of the 2019 Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant, as well as renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Racine County Sheriff's Office (Grant Control 00257). Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-12-2019: To approve the 2019 Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Justice Grant and renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Racine County Sheriff's Office. Fiscal Note: The grant is in the amount of $40,334.00 to be split with the Racine County Sheriff's Office. The Racine Police Department portion will be in the amount of $20,167.00. No City match is required.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0906-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason requesting to approve an Amendment to the Development Agreement between the City of Racine and Racine Harborside, LLC for the @North Beach Project memorializing the City’s commitment to cover the extraordinaCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason requesting to approve Addendum 1 to the Tax Increment Financing Agreement, Tax Increment District 14, between the City of Racine and Racine Harborside, LLC for the @North Beach Project memorializing the City’s commitment to cover the extraordinary costs of extending regional infrastructure additions to the sanitary sewer system at a cost not to exceed $595,000 to be funded from TID #14 reserves. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-12-2019: To approve Addendum 1 to the Tax Increment Financing Agreement, Tax Increment District 14, between the City of Racine and Racine Harborside, LLC., for the @North Beach Project, as presented. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-26-2019:That this item be deferred until information needed is provided. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 09-23-2019: To Receive and File. Fiscal Note: A cost not to exceed $595,000 shall be funded from Tax Increment District 14 reserves.DeferredFail Action details Video Video
0906-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason requesting to approve an Amendment to the Development Agreement between the City of Racine and Racine Harborside, LLC for the @North Beach Project memorializing the City’s commitment to cover the extraordinaCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason requesting to approve Addendum 1 to the Tax Increment Financing Agreement, Tax Increment District 14, between the City of Racine and Racine Harborside, LLC for the @North Beach Project memorializing the City’s commitment to cover the extraordinary costs of extending regional infrastructure additions to the sanitary sewer system at a cost not to exceed $595,000 to be funded from TID #14 reserves. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-12-2019: To approve Addendum 1 to the Tax Increment Financing Agreement, Tax Increment District 14, between the City of Racine and Racine Harborside, LLC., for the @North Beach Project, as presented. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-26-2019:That this item be deferred until information needed is provided. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 09-23-2019: To Receive and File. Fiscal Note: A cost not to exceed $595,000 shall be funded from Tax Increment District 14 reserves.AmendedPass Action details Video Video
0906-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason requesting to approve an Amendment to the Development Agreement between the City of Racine and Racine Harborside, LLC for the @North Beach Project memorializing the City’s commitment to cover the extraordinaCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason requesting to approve Addendum 1 to the Tax Increment Financing Agreement, Tax Increment District 14, between the City of Racine and Racine Harborside, LLC for the @North Beach Project memorializing the City’s commitment to cover the extraordinary costs of extending regional infrastructure additions to the sanitary sewer system at a cost not to exceed $595,000 to be funded from TID #14 reserves. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-12-2019: To approve Addendum 1 to the Tax Increment Financing Agreement, Tax Increment District 14, between the City of Racine and Racine Harborside, LLC., for the @North Beach Project, as presented. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-26-2019:That this item be deferred until information needed is provided. Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 09-23-2019: To Receive and File. Fiscal Note: A cost not to exceed $595,000 shall be funded from Tax Increment District 14 reserves.ReferredPass Action details Video Video
0918-19 A  CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Shakoor II, requesting approval of the 2020 Mayor's Gang Collaborative Grant (Grant Control 00259). Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 08-12-2019: To approve the 2020 Mayor's Gang Collaborative Grant. Fiscal Note: The grant is in the amount of $63,400.00. No City match is required.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0841-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of the Transit and Parking System Manager, requesting authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the 2019 contract for RYDE bus service in the Village of Caledonia, Village of Mount PleaCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of the Transit and Parking System Manager, requesting authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the 2019 contract for RYDE bus service in the Village of Caledonia, Village of Mount Pleasant and Town of Yorkville. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-13-19: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to enter into 2019 contracts for RYDE bus service in the Village of Caledonia, Village of Mount Pleasant and Town of Yorkville. Fiscal Note: Contracts will provide $380,400 in revenue.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0842-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of Public Works, submitting bid results on Contract 20190085, Library Entrance Door/Vestibule Replacement.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of Public Works, submitting bid results on Contract 20190085, Library Entrance Door/Vestibule Replacement. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-13-19: That bids for Contract 20190085, Library Entrance, Door/Vestibule Replacement, be awarded to Absolute Construction Enterprises, Inc., at its bid price of $101,000.00, plus Alt. 1 bid in the amount of $12,800.00, for a total bid of $113,800.00, it being the lowest responsible bidder. Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this Public Works Department project be appropriated from Org-Object 45055-57200, Library-Building Improvements. Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0888-19 A Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of Public Works, to submit Final Payments. Contract 20180123, State St. Lift Bridge Electrical Updates, Faith Technologies, Inc., contractor.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of Public Works, to submit Final Payments. Contract 20180123, State St. Lift Bridge Electrical Updates, Faith Technologies, Inc., contractor. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-13-19: That the work done by Faith Technologies, Inc., under Contract 20180123, State St. Lift Bridge Electrical Updates, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $273,020.00. Final Payment to include retainage. Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 1165-18, dated November 20, 2018.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0897-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of RPD, requesting to change parking restrictions in the area of Marquette Street Park, 1425 Marquette Street.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of RPD, requesting to change parking restrictions in the area of Marquette Street Park, 1425 Marquette Street. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-13-19: Recommends that the request to install parking restrictions in the area of Marquette Street Park, 1425 Marquette Street, be granted. Also that: In accordance with Section 2-95 of the Municipal Code of the General Ordinances of the City of Racine, recommends that the following requests for changes in traffic code be granted: A. Recommends that Section 94-141(1) of Schedule F relating to "No parking at any time", be amended: By Deleting: Marquette Street, east side, from Kewaunee Street south 80 feet. Marquette Street, east side, 30 feet north and 30 feet south of the centerline of the entrance to the Marquette Street playground. By Including: Marquette Street, east side, from Kewaunee Street south 300 feet. Fiscal Note: The estimated cost of this signage will result in an installation cost of $300.00 and an annual mainApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0905-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer, requesting parking restriction changes to Section 94, Transportation Sections of the Municipal Code of Racine, related to WisDOT ProjCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Tate ll, on behalf of the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer, requesting parking restriction changes to Section 94, Transportation Sections of the Municipal Code of Racine, related to WisDOT Project ID: 2290-17-20, Northwestern Avenue (STH 38) - Golf Avenue to Memorial Drive. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-13-19: Recommends that the request for No Parking restrictions on Northwestern Avenue (STH 38) - Golf Avenue to Memorial Drive, WisDOT Project ID: 2290-17-20, be approved. Also that: In accordance with Section 2-95 of the Municipal Code of the General Ordinances of the City of Racine, recommends that the following requests for changes in traffic code be granted: A. Recommends that Section 94-141(1) of Schedule F relating to "No parking at any time", be amended: By Deleting: Northwestern Avenue, northeast side, from Albert Street north 130 feet. Northwestern Avenue, northeast side, from High Street south 200 feet. Northwestern Avenue, southwest side, from Wustum Avenue south 50 feeApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0913-19 A Subject: Communication endorsed by Mayor Mason, requesting approval of the Reichert Court Relocation Order, per Wis. Stat. section 32.05, and authorizing the City Attorney to take all steps necessary for acquisition of property.CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason, requesting approval of the Reichert Court Relocation Order, per Wis. Stat. section 32.05, and authorizing the City Attorney to take all steps necessary for acquisition of property. Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-13-19: The Reichert Court Relocation Order, per Wis. Stat. section 32.05, be approved, and the City Attorney be authorized to take all steps necessary for acquisition of property. Fiscal Note: Funding will come from Tax Increment District 14.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
Ord.0021-19 A Ordinance 0021-19 - Ch. 42 Sale and Application of Coal Tar SealantsOrdinanceOrdinance 0021-19 - Ch. 42 Sale and Application of Coal Tar Sealants Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 08-13-19: Amend the title of Article Vlll to read: Article Vlll. - REGULATION OF THE SALE, APPLICATION, AND USE OF HIGH PAH SEALANT PRODUCTS, and as amended, to adopt Ordinance 0021-19 - Ch. 42 Sale and Application of Coal Tar Sealants. Fiscal Note: N/AAdoptedPass Action details Video Video
0836-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe submitting an application for a "Class A" Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Jay Goga Maharaj INC. DBA Odd Fellows Food & Liquor, located at 821 Main Street, Sneha Patel, Agent. (1st DCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe submitting an application for a "Class A" Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Jay Goga Maharaj INC. DBA Odd Fellows Food & Liquor, located at 821 Main Street, Sneha Patel, Agent. (1st District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 08-13-19: That an application for a "Class A" Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Jay Goga Maharaj INC. DBA Odd Fellows Food & Liquor, Sneha Patel- Agent, be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0870-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe submitting an application for a Reserved "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Kafana LLC DBA Kafana, located at 3001 Douglas Ave, Biljana Kirilov, Agent. (7th District)CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe submitting an application for a Reserve "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Kafana LLC DBA Kafana, located at 3001 Douglas Ave, Biljana Kirilov, Agent. (7th District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 08-13-19: That an application for a Reserve "Class B" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for Kafana LLC DBA Kafana, Biljana Kirilov- Agent, be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0908-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe for a renewal application of As Time Goes By, Pamela LeVeille- Agent, for Secondhand Article Dealer's License at 223 6th St. (1st District)CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Coe for a renewal application of As Time Goes By, Pamela LeVeille- Agent, for Secondhand Article Dealer's License at 223 6th St. (1st District) Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 08-13-19: That a renewal application for As Time Goes By, Pamela LeVeille- Agent, for Secondhand Article Dealer's License, be approved. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
Ord.0020-19 A Ordinance 0020-19 - Ch. 22 & Ch. 66 Cigarette, Tabacco and Nicotine ProductsOrdinanceOrdinance 0020-19 - Ch. 22 & Ch. 66 Cigarette, Tobacco and Nicotine Products Recommendation of the Public Safety and Licensing Committee on 08-13-19: That the Ordinance 0020-19 - Ch. 22 & Ch. 66 Cigarette, Tobacco and Nicotine Products be approved.. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
ZOrd.0003-19 A Zoning Ordinance 0003-19 - 520 Caron Butler DriveZoning OrdinanceZoning Ordinance 0003-19 - 520 Caron Butler Drive Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 08-14-19: That the ordinance be adopted. Fiscal Note: N/AAdoptedPass Action details Video Video
0799-19 A A use supplement related to the rezoning request by Mandy Tutas, agent for the DeKoven Center, for a rezoning from O/I-Office Institutional District to O/I with a FD-Flex Development Overlay at 520 Twenty-first StreetCommunicationSubject: A use supplement related to the rezoning request by Mandy Tutas, agent for the DeKoven Center, for a rezoning from O/I-Office Institutional District to O/I with a FD-Flex Development Overlay at 520 Caron Butler Drive (PC-19). Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 7-24-19: That the use supplement related to the rezoning request by Mandy Tutas, agent for the DeKoven Center, be adopted. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0798-19 A (Direct Referral) Request by Mandy Tutas, agent for the DeKoven Center, seeking a conditional use permit for a short term rental establishment (e.g. Airbnb) at 520 Twenty-first Street, having up to five rental units, none being the primary residence of thCommunicationSubject: Request by Mandy Tutas, agent for the DeKoven Center, seeking a conditional use permit for a short term rental establishment (e.g. Airbnb) at 520 Caron Butler Drive, having up to five rental units, none being the primary residence of the operator (PC-19). Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 7-24-19: That the request by Mandy Tutas, agent for the DeKoven Center, seeking a conditional use permit for a short term rental establishment at 520 Caron Butler Drive, having five rental units, none being the primary residence of the operator be approved, subject to conditions. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0919-19 A Request by Sekao INC seeking a major amendment to a conditional use permit to construct a 640 square foot addition to a building which would serve as an office for an automobile vehicles sales lot at 6000 21st StreetCommunicationSubject: Request by Sekao INC seeking a major amendment to a conditional use permit to construct a 640 square foot addition to a building at 6006 21st Street, which would serve as an office for an automobile vehicles sales lot at 6000 21st Street. (PC-19). Recommendation of the City Plan Commission on 08-14-19: That, based on the required findings of fact, the request by Sekao Inc seeking a major amendment to a conditional use permit to construct a 640 square foot addition to a building at 6006 - 21 Street be approved subject to conditions a. - j. Fiscal Note: N/AApproved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0901-19 A 1432 IllinoisCommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Alder Meekma requesting an amendment of Res No. 0411-17 to authorize up to an additional $7,800 of CDBG funds to Great Lakes Community Conservation Corps for rehabilitation of one homeownership unit at 1432 Illinois Street, for a total of up to $127,800. Recommendation of the Community Development Committee on 8-8-2019: That authorization from the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the written agreement with Great Lakes Community Conservation Corps consistent with their application and federal regulation for up to a total of $127,800 of CDBG funds be approved. Fiscal Note: There are sufficient CDBG funds for this item. The total funding allocation of $127,800 is inclusive of the funds previously allocated under Resolution No. 0411-17 and 0059-18.Approved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video
0902-19 A CDBGCommunicationSubject: Communication from Mayor Mason requesting $1,202,984 for the 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services, Economic Development, and Public Infrastructure funding. Recommendation of the Community Development Committee on 8-8-2019: That the request from Mayor Mason to allocate $1,202,984 in CDBG funds to organizations as indicated be approved. Further that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into contracts with the organizations pursuant to the funding allocation and federal regulations. Fiscal Note: This action allocates $1,202,984 of Community Development Block Grant funds per the 2019 Annual Action Plan.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
0903-19 A Homeless Assistance Leadership OrganizationCommunicationSubject: Communication from Mayor Mason requesting the Homeless Assistance Leadership Organization (HALO) as lead applicant apply for $161,218 of the 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). Recommendation of the Community Development Committee on 8-8-2019: That the request from Mayor Mason to allocate $161,218 in ESG funds to the organization as indicated be approved. Further, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into contracts with the organizations pursuant to the funding allocation and federal regulations. Fiscal Note: This action allocates $161,218 of Emergency Solutions Grant funds per the 2019 Annual Action Plan.ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
0956-19 A Subject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason appointing: Brian O'Connel to the Board of Parks Recreation and Cultural Services for a term ending April 20, 2020CommunicationSubject: Communication sponsored by Mayor Mason appointing: Brian O'Connell to the Board of Parks Recreation and Cultural Services as the School Board Member representative, for a term ending April 20, 2020Approved as PresentedPass Action details Video Video