| A | | Subject: Highlights from our press appearances | Communication | Subject: Highlights from our press appearances | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Approve Minutes from the November 16th Regular Board Meeting | Communication | Subject: Approve Minutes from the November 16th Regular Board Meeting | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Approve Invoices and Credit Card Purchases from Nov 2023 | Communication | Subject: Approve Invoices and Credit Card Purchases from Nov 2023 | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Financial Executive Summary Report | Communication | Subject: Financial Executive Summary Report | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Interim Executive Director Report | Communication | Subject: Interim Executive Director Report | Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Updates & Potential Action Regarding Next Steps in Hiring Process & Position Description for the Executive Director | Communication | Subject: Updates & Potential Action Regarding Next Steps in Hiring Process & Position Description for the Executive Director | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Consideration Of Changes to Emergency Procedures Policy For Approval | Communication | Subject: Consideration Of Changes to Emergency Procedures Policy For Approval | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Consideration and potential adoption of RPL holiday schedule for 2024 | Communication | Subject: Consideration and potential adoption of RPL holiday schedule for 2024 | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Consideration of the reinstatement of Racine Public Library-related privileges to two patrons whose Library-related privileges were suspended in accordance with the Racine Public Library’s bed bug protocol | Communication | Subject: Consideration of the reinstatement of Racine Public Library-related privileges to two patrons whose Library-related privileges were suspended in accordance with the Racine Public Library’s bed bug protocol | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Consideration of the reinstatement of Racine Public Library-related privileges to two patrons whose Library-related privileges were suspended in accordance with the Racine Public Library’s bed bug protocol | Communication | Subject: Consideration of the reinstatement of Racine Public Library-related privileges to two patrons whose Library-related privileges were suspended in accordance with the Racine Public Library’s bed bug protocol | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available