| A | | (Direct Referral) Presentation of plan for refunding the City's 2018 Note Anticipation Note. | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Presentation of plan for refunding the City's 2018 Note Anticipation Note.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: To approve refunding of 2018 Note Anticipation Note as presented.
Fiscal Note: $10,245,000 NAN dated 10/11/2018 for 2018 Capital Projects to be refunded over 14 years. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | (Direct Referral) Presentation of plan for Issuance of Note Anticipation Notes for TID 18. | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Presentation of plan for Issuance of Note Anticipation Notes for TID 18.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: To approve the issuance of Note Anticipation Notes for TID 18 as presented.
Fiscal Note: $3,500,000 5-year NAN for TID 18 site preparation activities. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | 2019 Operating Budget BID No. 1 | Communication | Subject: Communication from Kelly Kruse, representing Business Improvement District No. 1, Downtown, for approval of its proposed 2019 Operating Plan.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: To Defer this item to the next scheduled Finance & Personnel Committee meeting on Monday, November 12, 2018, to allow Kelly Kruse, representing the Business Improvement District No. 1, Downtown, the opportunity to speak before the Committee.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 11/12/2018:To approve the Business Improvement District No. 1, Downtown, proposed 2019 Operating Plan and direct the Finance Director to include the Districts special charges on the 2018 property tax bills of affected parcels.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Deferred | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Purchasing Agent wishing to discuss the bid results for Official Notice #15-2018 - Raze and Removal of Three Residential Structures located at 1111 West St. (Res. 0330-18) | Communication | Subject: Purchasing Agent wishing to discuss the bid results for Official Notice #15-2018 - Raze and Removal of Three Residential Structures located at 1111 West St. (Res. 0330-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: To award the contract for the raze and removal of three residential structures at 1111 West St. to SRI, LLC at their bid price of $27,500.
Fiscal Note: Funds for these services are available in 22540 52390 . The value of the contract is $27,500. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Purchasing Agent wishing to discuss the bid results for Official Notice #16-2018 - Purchase of Glock Pistols for the Police Department | Communication | Subject: Purchasing Agent wishing to discuss the bid results for Official Notice #16-2018 - Purchase of Glock Pistols for the Police Department.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: To award contract for the purchase of new Glock pistols and trade in currently used pistols per the attached prices to Ray O'Herron, they being the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder.
Fiscal Note: The purchase of the new pistols and the trade in of the old pistols will result in net outlay of $18,192.50, these funds are available in 20603 57300. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | (Res. 0331-18) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Manager of Housing and Community Development requesting the City of Racine accept properties from Racine County for the purpose of redevelopment. (Res. 0331-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: To accept any, or all of, the listed sixteen properties if obtained by the County via in rem foreclosure and donated to the City of Racine by the Racine County Board of Supervisors.
Fiscal Note: The City will insure all properties while holding title and will pay all property maintenance fees (snow removal, mowing, etc). While in City ownership, the properties will not accrue or pay property taxes. The City will pay all recording fees. No back taxes, liens, or fees may be paid by the City in exchange for the property. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | (Res. 0332-18) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Manager of Housing and Community Development requesting the City of Racine transfer properties from City of Racine to Racine Revitalization Partnership for the purpose of redevelopment. (Res. 0332-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: Permission be granted to the Manager of Housing and Community Development to transfer 1624 Phillips Avenue, 1107 Twelfth Street, 1204 Highland Avenue and 1516 Owen Avenue to Racine Revitalization Partnership.
Fiscal Note: Racine Revitalization Partnership will reimburse the City for the title transfer and recording fees for the property. No other funds will be owed by the City of Racine to donate the property. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Wild Root Grant Agreement Amendment (Res. 0333-18) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the City Administrator and Director of City Development requesting an amendment to the Wild Root Grant Agreement allowing for the release of $175,000 in approved Grant Funds to effectuate the closing on real property at 500 Walton Avenue. (Res. 0333-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: To execute amendments to an approved grant agreement to allow for the release of $175,000 in approved grant funds to effectuate the closing on real property at 500 Walton Avenue.
Fiscal Note: The $390,000 grant is funded through the Intergovernmental Shared Revenue Fund as approved by Resolution 0015-18 of May 1, 2018. $175,000 drawdown to be used at property closing with the remaining $215,000 to be drawn at closing of private financing by December 31, 2019. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Communication from the Mayor's Office requesting that the City apply for an Advancing Cities Grant from JPMorgan Chase. (Res. 0334-18) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Mayor requesting that the City of Racine apply for an Advancing Cities Grant from JPMorgan Chase. (Grant #00199) (Res. 0334-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: Permission be granted to the Mayor to apply for an Advancing Cities Grant from JPMorgan Chase. (Grant #00199)
Fiscal Note: The grant has the potential of generating $1 million per year for a total of $3 million over three years. No City Match on part of the city. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Communication from the Mayor requesting that the City of Racine Code of Ordinances be amended to reconstitute the City Assessor and the Human Resources Manager as Administrative Managers. (Res. 0350-18) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Mayor requesting that the City of Racine Code of Ordinances be amended to reconstitute the City Assessor and the Human Resources Manager as Administrative Managers. (Res. 0350-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10-22-2018: That the City of Racine, Code of Ordinances be amended to reconstitute the City Assessor and the Human Resources Manager as Administrative Managers.
Fiscal Note: Any salary increases for the positions are included in the 2019 City of Racine Budget as proposed by the Mayor. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | claim of Breanna Guenther | Claim | Subject: Communication from the City Attorney submitting the claim of Breanna Guenther for consideration.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: That the claim be denied.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Denied | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | claim of Christine Kiernan | Claim | Subject: Communication from the City Attorney submitting the claim of Christine Kiernan for consideration.
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: That the claim be denied.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Denied | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | (Direct Referral) Reaffirmation of the City's Investment Policy. (Res. 0335-18) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Reaffirmation of the City's Investment Policy. (Res. 0335-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: Reaffirm Investment Policy as presented with no changes.
Fiscal Note: Recurring reaffirmation as required by policy and auditing guidelines. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | (Direct Referral) Approval of the issuance of a resolution adopting an authorized list of public depositories for the City. (Res. 0336-18) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Approval of the issuance of a resolution adopting an authorized list of public depositories for the City. (Res. 0336-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 10/22/2018: Recommend the issuance of a resolution listing the following institutions as Public Depositories approved by the Common Council of the City of Racine:
Associated Bank
BMO Harris Bank (Bank of Montreal)
Community State Bank
Hometown Bank, Ltd,
Johnson Bank
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC
North Shore Bank
RBC Wealth Management (A Division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC.)
State of Wisconsin Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP)
TCF Bank
Town Bank (A Wintrust Community Bank)
Tri City National Bank
US Bank (Depository for Dana Investment Advisors)
Further Recommend that a New Communication from the Alderman of the 9th District be entered into Legistar to consider closing the City's current account with Wells Fargo Bank and barring them from being an approved Public Depository for the City of Racine.
Fiscal Note: Under Wis Stat | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available