| A | | Communication from the Downtown Racine Corporation requesting permission to close Main Street from State Street to 7th Street, 6th Street from Lake Avenue to Grand Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue from 4th Street to 7th Street, for Party on the Pavement on Sep | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Downtown Racine Corporation requesting permission to close Main Street from State Street to 7th Street, 6th Street from Lake Avenue to Grand Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue from 4th Street to 7th Street, for Party on the Pavement on September 22, 2018, from 12:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. and a "Free Parking Day" in Downtown for this event. (Res. 0241-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That permission be granted to the Downtown Racine Corporation to close Main Street from State Street to 7th Street, 6th Street from Lake Avenue to Grand Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue from 4th Street to 7th Street, on September 22, 2018, from 12:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. for Party on the Pavement with the following stipulations:
A. A hold harmless agreement be executed and a $75.00 processing fee paid.
B. A liability insurance certificate be filed prior to this event.
C. Any overtime costs incurred by any City department be charged to the sponsor.
D. The sponsor shall notify all abutting property owners seventy-two (72) hour | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Communication from Cari Greving, Real Racine, on behalf of the Wisconsin Senior Olympics, requesting to use City right-of-way for the The Olympian 5k/10k on Saturday, August 11, 2018.(Res. 0242-18) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from Cari Greving, Real Racine, on behalf of the Wisconsin Senior Olympics, requesting permission to use City right-of-way for the The Olympian 5k/10k on Saturday, August 11, 2018.
(Res. 0242-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That permission be granted to Real Racine, on behalf of the Wisconsin Senior Olympics, to use City right-of-way from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, August 11, 2018, for The Olympian 5k/10k.
Wisconsin Avenue (east side) from Main St. to Lake Michigan Pathway
11th Street from Lake Michigan Pathway to Pershing Park Drive
Pershing Park Drive from 11th Street to Lake Michigan Pathway
Further resolved, that permission be granted with the following stipulations:
A. A hold harmless agreement be executed and a $100.00 processing fee paid.
B. A liability insurance certificate be filed prior to this event.
C. Any overtime costs incurred by any City department be charged to the sponsor.
D. The sponsor shall notify all abutting property owners seventy-two (72) hour | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Communication from the Alderman of the 3rd District requesting an advisory referendum be placed on the November 2018 ballot asking: Do you support cannabis being legalized for adult and medical use, taxed and regulated like alcohol, with the proceeds from | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Alderman of the 3rd District requesting an advisory referendum be placed on the November 2018 ballot asking: Do you support cannabis being legalized for adult and medical use, taxed and regulated like alcohol, with the proceeds from the taxes used to fund public education, health care and infrastructure in Wisconsin? (Res. 0243-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: Recommends an advisory referendum be placed on the November 2018 ballot as follows:
1. Do you support cannabis being legalized for adult recreation use?
2. Do you support cannabis for medical use?
3. Do you support cannabis being taxed and regulated like alcohol, with the proceeds from the taxes used to fund public education, health care and infrastructure in Wisconsin?
Fiscal Note: N/A | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Ordinance 0005-18 - Transit, Parking, and Traffic. | Communication | Subject: Ordinance 0005-18 - Transit, Parking, and Traffic
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That Ordinance 0005-18 be adopted.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Ordinance 0008-18 - Racine Works. | Communication | Subject: Ordinance 0008-18 - Racine Works
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That Ordinance 0008-18 be adopted.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Bid results on Contract 20180061, Horlick Artificial Turf Installation (R1). | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20180061, Horlick Artificial Turf Installation (R1).
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That bids for Contract 20180061, Horlick Artificial Turf Installation (R1), be rejected and rebid at a later date.
Fiscal Note: N/A | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Bid results on Contract 20180068, Construct Home - 1538 Packard Avenue. (Res. 0244-18) | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20180068, Construct Home - 1538 Packard Avenue. (Res. 0244-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That bids for Contract 20180068, Construct Home - 1538 Packard Avenue, be awarded to Double D Construction, Inc., at their bid price of $263,340.00, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this Housing Department project be appropriated from Org-Objects 20004-57400, Home Rehab-1538 Packard.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Bid results on Contract 20180070, Library - Waterproof Elevator Equipment Room. (Res. 0245-18) | Communication | Subject: Bid results on Contract 20180070, Library - Waterproof Elevator Equipment Room. (Res. 0245-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That bids for Contract 20180070, Library - Waterproof Elevator Equipment Room, be awarded to ProAxis, at their bid price of $49,896.02, it being the lowest responsible bidder.
Further recommends that funds to defray the cost of this Public Works project be appropriated from Org-Object 45055-57200, Library Building Improvements.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Amendment No. 2 on Contract 20170014, PS - 2017 Pavement Inspection and Planning, AECOM, consultant. (Res. 0246-18) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Amendment No. 2 on Contract 20170014, PS - 2017 Pavement Inspection and Planning, AECOM, consultant. (Res. 0246-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That Amendment No. 2 to Contract 20170014, PS - 2017 Pavement Inspection and Planning, AECOM, consultant, as submitted, be approved.
Fiscal Note: Amendment No. 2 is in the not-to-exceed amount of $5,850.00, bringing the total contract amount to $112,500.00. Funding for this project is available in Org-Object 45040-57500, Paving. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/Operations submitting a request to enter into a new agreement with AT&T for Centrex telephone service - Contract 20180079. (Res. 0247-18) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/Operations submitting a request to enter into a new agreement with AT&T for Centrex telephone service - Contract 20180079.
(Res. 0247-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That the City be authorized and directed to enter into an agreement from 9/1/18 to 4/30/20 with AT&T for Centrex phone service to serve approximately 150 phone lines at remote City sites - Contract 20180079.
Fiscal Note: This agreement will increase the monthly phone service cost by $150.00 or $3,000 over the 20-month term of the agreement. Funds to defray the cost of this purchase are available in Org-Object 70440-53360, External Communication Service. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Final Payment on Contract 20170049, MLK Center - Roof & HVAC Replacement, Carlson Racine Roofing, contractor. (Res. 0248-18) | Communication | Subject: Final Payment on Contract 20170049, MLK Center - Roof & HVAC Replacement, Carlson Racine Roofing, contractor. (Res. 0248-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That the work done by Carlson Racine Roofing, under Contract 20170049, MLK Center - Roof & HVAC Replacement, be accepted and final payment authorized for a total contract amount of $150,462.00. Final Payment to include retainage.
Fiscal Note: Contract was authorized under Resolution 0334-17 of October 3, 2017. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a State/Municipal Project Agreement for the 2018 - 2019 Local Roads Improvement Program (LRIP). (Res. 0249-18) | Communication | Subject: Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a State/Municipal Project Agreement for the 2018 - 2019 Local Roads Improvement Program (LRIP). (Res. 0249-18)
Recommendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee on 07/23/2018: To Authorize the City Engineer to sign the State/Municipal Project Agreement for the 2018 - 2019 Local Roads Improvement Program (LRIP).
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer be authorized and directed to sign the State/Municipal Project Agreement for the 2018 - 2019 Local Roads Improvement Program (LRIP).
Fiscal Note: The estimated cost of the project is $570,000.00 with the City’s share being $413,255.17 and the LRIP/State Funds being $156,744.83. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Racine and the Village of Caledonia for the purpose of preparing an Intergovernmental Agreement for the 2019 Three Mil | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works/City Engineer submitting a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Racine and the Village of Caledonia for the purpose of preparing an Intergovernmental Agreement for the 2019 Three Mile Road construction. (Res. 0250-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: To authorize the City Attorney to draft an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Racine and the Village of Caledonia for scope of project and reimbursement of professional engineering services, construction costs and construction related services.
Fiscal Note: The Village of Caledonia will reimburse the City of Racine the Village’s pro rata share of the construction costs plus 15% for design engineering, contract and construction management services. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Change Order No. 2 on Contract 20170030, 2017 Hamilton/Douglas Street Sanitary Sewer Repair, A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., contractor. (Res. 0251-18) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Change Order No. 2 on Contract 20170030, 2017 Hamilton/Douglas Street Sanitary Sewer Repair, A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., contractor. (Res. 0251-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That Change Order No. 2 on Contract 20170030, 2017 Hamilton/Douglas Avenue Sanitary Sewer Repair, A.W. Oakes & Son, Inc., contractor, be approved in the deduct amount of ($49,002.50).
Further recommends that the funding accounts be adjusted by the following amounts:
$ 6,729.40 - Org-Object 60484-57570, Storm Sewers
($55,731.90) - Org-Object 22640-57560, Sanitary Sewer
($49,002.50) - Total
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20180019, Grange and Thurston Avenue Reconstruct (R1), Milwaukee General Construction Company, Inc., contractor. (Res. 0252-18) | Communication | Subject: (Direct Referral) Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20180019, Grange and Thurston Avenue Reconstruct (R1), Milwaukee General Construction Company, Inc., contractor. (Res. 0252-18)
Recommendation of the Public Works and Services Committee on 07-31-18: That Change Order No. 1 on Contract 20180019, Grange and Thurston Avenue Reconstruct (R1), Milwaukee General Construction Company, Inc., contractor, be approved in the amount of $5,450.00.
Further recommends that funding to defray the cost of the change order be appropriated from Org-Object 14012-54200, Electrical Supplies.
Fiscal Note: Funds are available as herein delineated. | Recommended For Approval | |
Action details
Not available