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Meeting Name: Library Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/16/2023 4:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Racine Public Library, Lee Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0283-23 A  CommunicationSubject: CorrespondenceReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
0089-23 A Subject: Referred from the full Board on January 19th, discussion on usage of the $125,000 earmarked in the City budget, under contingency funds as it relates to City Resolution 0030-23CommunicationSubject: Referred from the full Board on January 19th, discussion on usage of the $125,000 earmarked in the City budget, under contingency funds as it relates to City Resolution 0030-23ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0267-23 A Subject: Approve Minutes from the February 16th, 2023 Regular Board MeetingCommunicationSubject: Approve Minutes from the February 16th, 2023 Regular Board MeetingApprovedPass Action details Not available
0268-23 A Subject: Approve Financial February 10th - March 10th, 2023 Executive Summary ReportCommunicationSubject: Approve Financial February 10th - March 10th, 2023 Invoices and Credit Card PurchasesApprovedPass Action details Not available
0269-23 A Subject: Approve February 2023 Executive Summary ReportCommunicationSubject: Approve February 2023 Executive Summary ReportApprovedPass Action details Not available
0270-23 A Subject: Executive Director ReportCommunicationSubject: Executive Director Report (Angela Zimmermann)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0271-23 A Subject: RPL Board President ReportCommunicationSubject: RPL Board President Report (Trustee Kaprelian)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0272-23 A Subject: City Council LiaisonCommunicationSubject: City Council Liaison (Trustee Kaprelian)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0273-23 A Subject: RPL Foundation and RPL Foundation Capital Campaign InitiativesCommunicationSubject: RPL Foundation and RPL Foundation Capital Campaign Initiatives (Trustee Kaprelian and Executive Director Angela Zimmermann)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0274-23 A Subject: RUSD LiaiasonCommunicationSubject: RUSD Liaiason (Trustee O'Connell)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0275-23 A Subject: Prairie Lake Library System LiaisonCommunicationSubject: Prairie Lake Library System Liaison (Trustee O'Hagan)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0276-23 A Subject: Building & Grounds Committee Reports - last met on June 9th, 2021CommunicationSubject: Building & Grounds Committee Reports (Trustee O'Connell) - last met on June 9th, 2021Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0277-23 A Subject: Building & Grounds Committee Reports - last Subject: Finance & Personnel Committee Report - last met on March 6th, 2023CommunicationSubject: Finance & Personnel Committee Report (Trustee Kaprelian) - last met on March 6th, 2023Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0090-23 A  CommunicationSubject: Timeline of and Tool used to perform the 2022 Executive Director’s performance evaluationApprovedPass Action details Not available
0278-23 A Subject: Referral from the Finance & Personnel Committee to approve changes to the Executive Director Performance Evaluation process/policy; allowing an appointed person from the Finance Committee to handle the evaluations and informing the staff of the pCommunicationSubject: Referral from the Finance & Personnel Committee to approve changes to the Executive Director Performance Evaluation process/policy; allowing the Chair or an appointed person from the Finance Committee to handle the evaluations and informing the staff of the procedures to evaluate the Executive DirectorApprovedPass Action details Not available
0279-23 A Subject: Discussion on possible formal censure of a Board Officer as presented by Secretary James O'Hagan - Discussion/ActionCommunicationSubject: Discussion on possible formal censure of a Board Officer as presented by Secretary James O'Hagan - Discussion/ActionReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
0280-23 A Subject: Approve $35,000 from the A. Boernke Fund for the extension of the book sale nook. Rasch Proposal - Discussion/ActionCommunicationSubject: Approve $35,000 from the A. Boernke Fund for the extension of the book sale nook. Rasch Proposal - Discussion/ActionApprovedPass Action details Not available
0281-23 A Subject: Approve changes to the Circulation Policy to include verbiage concerning the Beyond Books Collection - Discussion/ActionCommunicationSubject: Approve changes to the Circulation Policy to include verbiage concerning the Beyond Books Collection - Discussion/ActionApprovedPass Action details Not available
0282-23 A Subject: DPI Trustee Essentials Chapter 3: Bylaws - Organizing the Board for Effective Action - InformationCommunicationSubject: DPI Trustee Essentials Chapter 3: Bylaws - Organizing the Board for Effective Action - InformationReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
0284-23 A Subject: DPI Trustee Essentials Chapter 4: Effective Board Meetings and Trustee Participation - InformationCommunicationSubject: DPI Trustee Essentials Chapter 4: Effective Board Meetings and Trustee Participation - InformationReceived and FiledPass Action details Not available