| A | | | Communication | Subject: Correspondence | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Referred from the full Board on January 19th, discussion on usage of the $125,000 earmarked in the City budget, under contingency funds as it relates to City Resolution 0030-23 | Communication | Subject: Referred from the full Board on January 19th, discussion on usage of the $125,000 earmarked in the City budget, under contingency funds as it relates to City Resolution 0030-23 | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Approve Minutes from the February 16th, 2023 Regular Board Meeting | Communication | Subject: Approve Minutes from the February 16th, 2023 Regular Board Meeting | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Approve Financial February 10th - March 10th, 2023 Executive Summary Report | Communication | Subject: Approve Financial February 10th - March 10th, 2023 Invoices and Credit Card Purchases | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Approve February 2023 Executive Summary Report | Communication | Subject: Approve February 2023 Executive Summary Report | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Executive Director Report | Communication | Subject: Executive Director Report (Angela Zimmermann) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: RPL Board President Report | Communication | Subject: RPL Board President Report (Trustee Kaprelian) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: City Council Liaison | Communication | Subject: City Council Liaison (Trustee Kaprelian) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: RPL Foundation and RPL Foundation Capital Campaign Initiatives | Communication | Subject: RPL Foundation and RPL Foundation Capital Campaign Initiatives (Trustee Kaprelian and Executive Director Angela Zimmermann) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: RUSD Liaiason | Communication | Subject: RUSD Liaiason (Trustee O'Connell) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Prairie Lake Library System Liaison | Communication | Subject: Prairie Lake Library System Liaison (Trustee O'Hagan) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Building & Grounds Committee Reports - last met on June 9th, 2021 | Communication | Subject: Building & Grounds Committee Reports (Trustee O'Connell) - last met on June 9th, 2021 | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Building & Grounds Committee Reports - last Subject: Finance & Personnel Committee Report - last met on March 6th, 2023 | Communication | Subject: Finance & Personnel Committee Report (Trustee Kaprelian) - last met on March 6th, 2023 | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | | Communication | Subject: Timeline of and Tool used to perform the 2022 Executive Director’s performance evaluation | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Referral from the Finance & Personnel Committee to approve changes to the Executive Director Performance Evaluation process/policy; allowing an appointed person from the Finance Committee to handle the evaluations and informing the staff of the p | Communication | Subject: Referral from the Finance & Personnel Committee to approve changes to the Executive Director Performance Evaluation process/policy; allowing the Chair or an appointed person from the Finance Committee to handle the evaluations and informing the staff of the procedures to evaluate the Executive Director | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Discussion on possible formal censure of a Board Officer as presented by Secretary James O'Hagan - Discussion/Action | Communication | Subject: Discussion on possible formal censure of a Board Officer as presented by Secretary James O'Hagan - Discussion/Action | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Approve $35,000 from the A. Boernke Fund for the extension of the book sale nook. Rasch Proposal - Discussion/Action | Communication | Subject: Approve $35,000 from the A. Boernke Fund for the extension of the book sale nook. Rasch Proposal - Discussion/Action | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: Approve changes to the Circulation Policy to include verbiage concerning the Beyond Books Collection - Discussion/Action | Communication | Subject: Approve changes to the Circulation Policy to include verbiage concerning the Beyond Books Collection - Discussion/Action | Approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: DPI Trustee Essentials Chapter 3: Bylaws - Organizing the Board for Effective Action - Information | Communication | Subject: DPI Trustee Essentials Chapter 3: Bylaws - Organizing the Board for Effective Action - Information | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| A | | Subject: DPI Trustee Essentials Chapter 4: Effective Board Meetings and Trustee Participation - Information | Communication | Subject: DPI Trustee Essentials Chapter 4: Effective Board Meetings and Trustee Participation - Information | Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
Not available